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Scrollbar Generator

First, create a new PHP file,and name it create. In it,you are going to make several input text boxes. One for each scroll bar content. So all the Characteristics of scroll bars are:

ScrollBar Face color
Scroll bar Shadow color
Scroll Bar Highlight color
Scroll 3d Light Color
Scroll Bar Dark Shadow
Scroll Bar Track Color
Scroll Bar Arrow Color.

So now we need to make 7 input text boxes.

<form action="make.php" action="get">
ScrollBar Face color:#<input type="text" name="face" STYLE="background:00BFFF"*><br>
Scroll bar Shadow color:#<input type="text" name="shadow" STYLE="background:00BFFF"*><br>
Scroll Bar Highlight color:#<input type="text" name="highlight" STYLE="background:00BFFF"><br>
Scroll 3d Light Color:#<input type="text" name="3dlight" STYLE="background:00BFFF"><br>
Scroll Bar Dark Shadow:#<input type="text" name="darkshadow" STYLE="background:00BFFF"><br>
Scroll Bar Track Color:#<input type="text" name="track" STYLE="background:00BFFF"><br>
Scroll Bar Arrow:#<input type="text" name="arrow" STYLE="background:00BFFF"><br>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'> |<input type="reset" value="OOPS,MESSED UP!">

Lets walk through this a bit.
We created a form action which will take the variables into the make.php.
Next,we created a input type= text boxes for all the fields,which will hold the variables.
Now lets move on.

Next,create a file called make.php.
In this file we are going to do the coding for the variables,and display the scroll bar that the user made,and give them the code so they can put it on there pages.

In the make.php,we need to create a variable for each scroll bar content we created, Variables are defined with the $ sign. Now we must show the user what they created.

Now create a php tag which goes like <?php
Then in that, copy this code.

PRINT "<style>
body {
Font-Family: Times, Times New Roman, Serif;
scrollbar-face-color: #$face;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #$shadow;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #$3dlight;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #$darkshadow;
scrollbar-track-color: #$track;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #$arrow;}")

This will create a text box with the code users should add to there site to get the scroll bars.

Copy this code into make.php:

PRINT "<textarea cols=25 rows=10>
scrollbar-face-color: #$face;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #$shadow;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #$3dlight;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #$darkshadow;
scrollbar-track-color: #$track;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #$arrow; }


Tutorial By Xtasy